Since 1988 the Centre for Newcomers (CFN) has been a key resource for immigrants and refugees of all nationalities in Calgary. A social profit organization, CFN views the integration of newcomers as a two-way process of experience, influence and impact between newcomers and the communities that welcome them.
Our vision is a community that values diversity, in which people of all backgrounds find and create opportunities to fulfill dreams and participate fully as citizens.
To support newcomers and the receiving community in becoming a diverse, united community, through services and initiatives that create conditions of success for newcomers and that foster a welcoming environment in Calgary.
We believe that by welcoming newcomers, and supporting them to settle and integrate, by working collaboratively and in partnership, with a workplace culture that is founded on respect, co-operation and trust, we are making a positive difference in the lives of all Calgarians and the community.
Services at the Centre for Newcomers are influenced by and embody our values;
those values are equality and respect, collaboration, communication, professionalism, caring, diversity and inclusion.